Textbook Review

I hate textbooks more than anything, I just do not have the attention span for that! Also, college textbooks are so expensive for no reason! Don't even get me started on online textbooks, those are the absolute worst! How are you supposed to follow along with what you're reading when you can't use your finger? I always lose my line, and personally I am a pencil and paper girl, I would like to be able to highlight and take notes while I read. When I first saw the price of the textbook for this class I was NOT a happy camper, only then to realize that it's also an online textbook! I was not looking foward to reading from an online textbook every week, however I ended up being pleasantly surprised.

For this class, we used Stukent’s “Essentials of Social Media Marketing” textbook and simulation. I've never used Stukent before and didn't have an account or anything, so getting used to the program was pretty challenging in itself. Once I figured out my way around the website though, I was good to go. I loved the way that this textbook was organized, it was so easy to look at and understand! I am the kind of person who needs a lot of organization for me to understand something, otherwise information just gets all jumbled and lost inside my head. The way this book was organized was super beneficial for someone like me. The book was broken down by chapter, but then each chapter was broken down even further into specific topics so you could jump around and find exactly what you were looking for. Another aspect I really liked about the book was that each chapter also came with its own set of slides that highlighted some of the most relevant information from each chapter. This really helped to break down each chapter into sections and looking at the slides was less overwhelming than reading page after page. It was also helpful that at the end of each chapter there were quizzes over the material. That was a great study tool to use when studying for the exams we had in class. The textbook was also not too wordy which is something that you don't see very often. I feel like most textbooks have so many unnecessary words that just make reading so hard to follow. I likes that this one was a lot of lists and images because it was a lot easier to follow along with rather than getting caught up on extra, irrelevant information.

Overall, I definitely enjoyed learning through Stukent. As a new platform that I had no prior experience with, I wasn't sure what to expect going into it but I ended up loving the organization and simplicity of it. All of the information I needed was neatly condensed into one spot which made for a super easy read. I also actually enjoyed the content of this textbook as well, which has never happened before! The information we were getting to read about was engaging and I think a big part of it was hoe neat and organized the book was. When I read this book, I didn't feel like I was reading Shakespeare! Ultimately, I would say that I had a very pleasant experience using Stukent and the tools that it provided for me for this class!


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