First Collegiate Win?!?!



On Saturday, the ONU track team had a meet at Muskingum University. It was the LONGEST day ever, but it was amazing! We had to get on the bus though at 7am, we got to the meet around 9:30am, and then I didn't race until 6:30pm!! It was an extremely long 9 hours just sitting around, but it was great to see all of my teammates racing! My teammates and I that I was racing with were starting to get a little tired after waiting there for so long, but finally we got to warmup and honestly it was just so fun! I used to be really really anxious before races, I would absolutely DREAD it and cry and all kinds of things. However, ever since coming to college I have finally found JOY in my sport and I am having fun, which is all I have ever wanted. Anyways, back to the meet on Saturday!! I warmed up with me teammates and then we lined up to race and as soon as the gun went off my adrenaline hit and I was just immediately so excited to run.

I was running a 5k, which on an indoor track is 25 laps, which is a LOT! But once you get started it just goes by so fast and it is genuinely so enjoyable. My 2 best friends were also in the race with me which was fantastic and made it all the better. I ran the first mile with the 2 girls on my team, and then after that I just felt really good and took off! Next thing I know I am pulling further ahead and I'm in first place and I have NEVER been in first place in a collegiate race before. It is a lot more difficult to win a college race compared to a high school one, there are so many more people and once you're at the college level, pretty much everyone is fast. I ended up finishing the race in 1st place, and even tied my PR of 18:18, which was such a confidence booster since I ran most of the race by myself. It was one of the most spectacular feelings ever, I felt so loved in that moment coming down the last stretch just seeing all of my teammates there cheering me on and being so supportive. This team is the best thing that has ever happened to me and this race might be the only college win that I get, and I most definitely savored it!!


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