Total (Solar) Eclipse of the Heart

Eclipse day >> any other day in Ada. 

Seriously I have never felt more joy on this campus than I did on Monday. I have never seem so many people out on campus before and it made my heart so happy! I don't know what it is about an entire campus coming together and cheering at the sky, but it was so special and I've never had a better day in Ada than that one.

Let me walk you through my day:

We had track practice at 10:00 a.m., so that we could get it finished in plenty of time for the eclipse. The weather was so perfect and practice went well so that was a wonderful start to the day. After practice, my friend Megan and I went over to the cross country house to visit our kittens! They are living there right now so that they can stay with their mama until we officially adopt them in the summer. I LOVE being a kitty mom, he brings me so much joy already!

After we visited our sweet little kitties, we took a hot girl walk to Starbucks to get some pre-eclipse coffee. It was so crowded but there is something seriously so special about the community all coming together for this event.

By this time it was about 1:00 p.m., the show would be starting soon! The majority of our cross country team had plans to go meet outside the apartments by the volleyball nets and play games and stuff for the day. ANOTHER thing that made me so happy! All of my friends were together in one place and it was so beautiful and just kept adding to the amazingness that this day was. We played SO many rounds of Spike Ball, kickball, volleyball, and definitely got some sunburn while we were at it.

Once the eclipse was close to totality we all sat to watch it and there were some other groups of people out there as well which was fun too because it was like one big party. Seeing the sky go from being bright and sunny to literally seeing a sunset in the middle of the day is probably the coolest thing I will ever experience with my own eyeballs. My favorite thing was when the sun was fully covered, everyone cheered and then stared at the dark sky for four and a half minutes. Then when it got light out, everyone cheered again and it was so cute! 

This was definitely a once in a lifetime experience that I am so glad I got to witness. It was stunning and amazing in every way. What made it even better is that I got to enjoy this wonder with my best friends on such a beautiful day. 

Life moves so fast sometimes, it was really wonderful to be able to slow down for a day and take it all in. I think sometimes we forget just how small and insignificant our little lives are. There is so much out there and ultimately we are just a speck. We put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect in school and athletics and relationships, but sometimes it's good to remember that honestly, it's not that deep. At the end of the day none of those little things are going to matter. So I guess the point of this is just remember to slow down, enjoy these little moments of joy that life brings you and just be present!


  1. Your kittens are so cute! And I totally agree that it was so nice seeing the community coming together. I have never expercinecd something like that before and it really made me appreciate Ada and Ohio Northern. I am glad you had a fun day and were able to enjoy the amazing weather!


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