Conference Champs!!!

This is the perfect timing for the last blog of the year, because...

For the first time in six years, the women's track and field team are Ohio Athletic Conference champions! This was quite literally some of the best few days of my life, I've never screamed so loud and celebrated so much before. Our team has gotten second and third place in the conference more times than I can count, but this year was going to be different. We've been training since November, all leading up to this meet. We knew that it would most definitely not be easy, Mount Union is like a brick wall that is almost impossible to knock down. This year was different. We found their weak spots and loaded up those events, we know that we wouldn't beat them in the sprints so the distance squad really had to step up. Training for this meet was incredibly challenging, both physically and mentally. There is not a group of women more deserving and I cannot express the pride I feel being apart of this team. 

I was so glad that I had the opportunity to not only compete in this meet but to stand on the podium not once, but twice! It's been almost a year since I broke my back and that injury took the biggest mental toll on me. I was so afraid that I would never be able to compete at the level that I was. Running is my favorite thing to do and what I am most passionate about. When that got taken away from me I was terrified of what my future would look like. I spent five months in the pool and on the bike doing everything in my power to stay in the best shape possible for when I came back. Looking back to where I was a year ago to now having scored 16 points at the conference meet and helping us win, I am just full of pride! Going through that experience just made this moment even more special than it already was!

10K Squad!
These are the girls that I got to run 25 laps around the track with! Yes, you heard hat correctly. A 10k on the track is 25 laps, 6.2 miles of racing. The 10k is a HARD race both physically and mentally, but having  teammates in there with you makes it so much better. I currently have the forth fastest time in ONU history in the 10k and it's definitely my favorite event. The  conference meet is a little different because it's all about strategy, It doesn't matter how fast you run, what matters is the place you get. I ended up being able to run my race a lot slower than normal because we knew  the first place girl was going for a national time, and the third girl was a solid minute behind me. It was good because I had another race to prepare for the next day!

Day 2 of the conference meet and this time I only had to run 12.5 laps around the track (but a LOT faster!) This race was just a death march to the finish honestly. After running a 10k the day before, I woke up for the 5k certainly not feeling fresh. I was still really excited for this race though because it was the last one of the day and going into it we were still in first place! That just gave all of us so much motivation because that has never been the case before, so lining up for this race we knew we couldn't let the lead slip away. We ran like we had nothing to lose and when we finished, take a guess as to what team was still in first place. 

This was truly just such an amazing moment for our entire team, it even brought tears to coaches eyes (and mine too!) Celebrating this incredible accomplishment alongside my very best friends is something that was just so special and will truly last a lifetime. I am so proud of each and every woman on this team. We are keeping this momentum rolling right into cross country season and can't wait to see what we continue to accomplish! GO BEARS! 


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